Skeeks CMS is a universal CMS that can be used in all types of web applications. Due to its component structure and excellent caching support, CMS is especially suitable for developing such large projects as portals, forums, CMS, stores or RESTful applications.

SkeekS CMS is built on the basis of modern, fast, powerful, multifunctional framework Yii 2 , which uses the most advanced site-building technologies. The first stable version of Yii 2 was released in the fall of 2014.

Yii 2 - the heart of SkeekS CMS

SkeekS CMS is the heart of your site.

Main features of SkeekS CMS:

  • management of the structure and content of the site;
  • publishing news, press releases and other frequently updated information;
  • implementation of other operations for managing an Internet project.

The product allows you to minimize the cost of project maintenance due to the ease of managing static and dynamic information. To manage the project, you do not need additional services of specialists in the field of web design or programming.